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素材公社- 品牌美学- 品牌风云 |发布于 2014-07-30 | 标签: 摄影 色彩 灯泡爆炸



Exploding Lightbulbs: High-Speed Photos by Jon Smith

American photographer Jon Smith fills lightbulbs with colorful objects and liquids before causing them to explode and using high-speed photography to capture them as they burst into pieces.

“There is a certain unpredictability with high speed photography that I’m drawn to. It allows you to capture the unseen, the transition between before and after. It shows the beauty in destruction. Sure, it starts out as a normal light bulb and ends as a pile of broken glass, but for just a split second, it’s something beautiful – and to capture that is wonderful.”

Visit his Flickr gallery for more.





房地产的VI做起来,就像是在搞艺术 唱片封面设计 | 看得见的音乐艺术 “美味酒廊”VI设计欣赏 美学茶话:读懂齐白石的画,我放弃了画画

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