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素材公社- 品牌美学- 品牌风云 |发布于 2014-08-13 | 标签: 设计 艺术设计







——Leeah Yerpe

Bodies in Motion by Leah Yerpe

Leah Yerpe is a talented artist who lives and works in Brooklyn, New York.

“I enjoy using the human figure in my work because we cannot help but project on and relate to it. The bodies in my work are multiplied in different poses, twisting, floating and falling on a ground purged of contextualizing marks.

I never pose my models; they have free reign to move in an immediate, improvised dance. This looseness contrasts with a fastidious drawing technique, where I capture the bodies of my models as if formal elements in a collage. I see them transformed from free individuals into symbolic figures. This is akin to the transformation of human experience in mythology and religion.

The influence of mythology on my artwork is often hinted at in the titles, though my work is not a direct illustration of the stories. What I’m after is that kernel at the heart of the story, the core that will always resonate human experience.”

- Leeah Yerpe





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