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Lives of Grass: Living Sculptures by Mathilde Roussel

French artist Mathilde Roussel creates fantastic “living sculptures” made of recycled metal and fabric filled with soil and wheat grass seeds.

“Mathilde Roussel’s work is a sensible and symbolic research about the nature of physical life. She is interested in the cyclic metamorphoses that transform organic matter, whether vegetable, animal or human. Through her sculptures, installations or drawings, Roussel interrogates the ways in which time weighs on our body, leaving its traces as an imprint and thus creating an invisible archive of our emotions, a mute history of our existence. Skin becomes paper while our cells transform into graphite particles and our muscular tissues in thin membrane of flayed rubber. Her work becomes a mapping of the body, an anatomy of our fragile presence in the world.”草的生活:生活的雕塑设计草的生活:生活的雕塑设计草的生活:生活的雕塑设计草的生活:生活的雕塑设计




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