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Steve Ellis过载保护等工作
Steve Ellis是艺术家在纽约下东区的工作。他的代表性技术使用流行文化意象探讨各种问题包括当代消费主义。
他最新的展览展出“过载保护”将从5月2日- 31日在纽约画廊nine5。画廊的展览提出了城市节日与新博物馆合作的想法。

Surge Protection and Other Works by Steve Ellis

Steve Ellis is an artist working in New York City’s Lower East Side. His representational technique uses pop culture iconography to explore various issues including contemporary consumerism.

His latest exhibition “Surge Protection” will be on show from May 2 – 31st at gallery nine5 in New York. The exhibit is presented by the gallery in collaboration with the New Museum Ideas City Festival.

“Surge Protection transforms the gallery into a space for reflection on the future of cities. The New Museum Ideas City Festival focuses on the role of culture in transforming city planning and improving urban landscapes. Ellis builds on this theme of untapped artistic capital by sounding a warning call. The artist applies his Pop Realism style to underscore the profound impact of natural elements on infrastructure built long ago, and offers imaginative solutions to the issues that the global community faces. The works illustrate the ability of artists to incite reactions and facilitate dialogue by presenting powerful images.”





房地产的VI做起来,就像是在搞艺术 唱片封面设计 | 看得见的音乐艺术 “美味酒廊”VI设计欣赏 美学茶话:读懂齐白石的画,我放弃了画画

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