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Erin Mulvehill水下:照片系列
在布鲁克林区的摄影师Erin Mulvehill这些迷人的水下图像在摄影棚中拍摄的,在模拟35毫米电影。
——Erin Mulvehill

Underwater: Photo Series by Erin Mulvehill

Brooklyn-based photographer Erin Mulvehill shot these fascinating underwater images in a studio, on analog 35mm film.

“My work aims to explore the human connections and subtle nuances that whisper into the ear of our every day. Much of my work is rooted in the ideas of mind, body, seamlessness and time. This is largely because my deepest beliefs lie in the principles of Buddhism, the integration of art and life, and the preservation of beautiful moments. I am nomadic by nature and am inspired each day by the nothingness that resides in all things.”

- Erin Mulvehill保护美丽的时刻摄影作品保护美丽的时刻摄影作品保护美丽的时刻摄影作品




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