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素材公社- 品牌美学- 品牌风云 |发布于 2014-10-21 | 标签: 设计 平面设计

鞋的选择:品牌科普兰,Mahoney & Bulmer

墨尔本平面设计师苔丝科普兰,Caitlyn Mahoney和莱拉Bulmer合作生产这种独特的品牌概念鞋的选择,生活指导公司。




The Shoe Alternative: Branding by Copeland, Mahoney & Bulmer

Melbourne-based graphic designers Tess Copeland, Caitlyn Mahoney and Leyla Bulmer worked in collaboration to produce this unique branding concept for The Shoe Alternative, a life coaching company.

“The Shoe Alternative is about exploring life’s alternatives and figuring out where you want to go. Offering a creative approach to life coaching, they fuse creativity with discussion to help people design the life they want to live. We developed a playful and iconic identity to complement the vibrant personality of The Shoe Alternative and the service they provide.

The Shoe Alternative is about making sure the things you choose to do in life are getting you to where you want to go and not holding you back. For you, the name could be ‘the job alternative’, ‘the uni course alternative’, ‘the dress alternative’ or ‘the boyfriend alternative’. This concept was represented in the logo by the caret mark which is about editing in order to find a new direction.”墨尔本平面设计师作品图片大全







房地产的VI做起来,就像是在搞艺术 唱片封面设计 | 看得见的音乐艺术 “美味酒廊”VI设计欣赏 美学茶话:读懂齐白石的画,我放弃了画画

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