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Luigi Prina 飞越云端的船模型创意设计

素材公社- 品牌美学- 品牌风云 |发布于 2014-10-25 | 标签: 船模型 Luigi Prina
人们常在奇幻影片或绘画中看到船从水面徐徐升起,穿越云层,而这个场景在一位现年83岁老人的工作室中成为了现实,Luigi Prina 来自意大利,这位曾经的建筑师在近20年间一直在制作各种奇幻造型图片大全、但可真实飞行的模型。

这个梦想在 Luigi 很小时便已播下种子,16岁他曾赢得一个全国性航模比赛。50年后的一天,Luigi遇到了一位造船师,他们打了个赌,船是否能飞起来,他接受了这个挑战,不久后一只模型船便已在他的工作室中飞翔,从此他便一直坚持了下去。模型由轻质纸及木材制成以减轻重量,最终成品只有20-50克重,图片搜索螺旋桨由弹性橡胶带驱动。

People often see in the fantasy film or painting ship slowly rising from the surface of the water, through the clouds, and the scene is in a come to reality, the 83 - year - old studio Luigi Prina from Italy, the architect of the former in recent 20 years has been making all sorts of modelling of fantasy, but the real flight models.

The dreams were sowing the seeds in Luigi is very small, 16 years old he had won a national model aircraft. Day 50 years later, Luigi met a shipbuilding division, they made a bet, whether the ship can fly, he accepted the challenge, shortly after a ship model was flying in his studio, from then on, he has always insisted on down. Model to lose weight by light paper and wood, the final finished product only 20-50 g, propeller driven by elastic rubber belt.





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