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阿瑟·C·丹托(Arthur C Danto)曾就艺术体制发生变化后美术学院的新型师生关系提出这样的设想:“在美术学院的进一步教学中,教师只是帮助学生创作,而这种态度就使学生可以 学到他们想要和有需要的东西,为的是创作他想要创作的东西。人人都可以使用一切和任何东西,诸如音响、摄像、影像、表演、装置等进行创造,学生如果愿意的 话,他们也可以成为画家、雕塑家。”尽管在理论和现实之间,有时很难平衡或兼得,但这段话却能勾勒出我对当下美术学院教学结构和创作实践的一些思考。

每 年一度的毕业生作品展,集中了学生数年的学习成果和众多教师在此过程中的指导和付出,这不仅是一次对美术学院教学成果的立体展示,更是一种精神力量的传 递,因为艺术作为一种心灵的体验,体现着人类与各类系统之间的互动,这样就产生了艺术作品。所以,美术学院的价值应该体现在为每一个学生的脱颖而出提供可 能,让他们在一种自由、开放的环境下找到自己的位置。从这个意义上说,毕业展对于每位学生是人生中一次重要的展示,而对于美术学院来说,则是一所高等艺术 学府向全社会呈现的一份教学系统和教学主张的答卷。
2015年毕业 展览中涌现出了180余件获得“学院奖”的优秀作品,这些作品是从19个专业(方向)中的1148名学生创作的4000余件作品中遴选出来的。而今年这些 学生的作品呈现出超乎以往的建设性、创新性和包容性。不论是传统专业中的油画、版画、雕塑、中国画、视觉传达设计、工业造型设计、服装染织设计、环境艺术 设计等专业(方向),还是异军突起的实验艺术学院的各专业与方向,这些学生们的作品分别从影响着视觉、触觉、听觉乃至心灵的角度出发,用具有个人意识和想 象精神的创造力,体现了他们在多媒体时代下的艺术抱负。
尤为值得一 提的是,今年我们从作品创作到作品展示,推行一种开放式的互动参与,其目的是让师生从过去被动的独立创造者变为主动表达的集体参与者。而我也始终认为,当 今美术学院的价值和理想不仅在于培养纯艺术家,更在于用包容、开放、合作的氛围和态度,为学生建构一种艺术状态,从而使他们最大程度地参与到艺术的更新和 重建中,而不是在墨守成规下寻找个人的身份和前途。事实证明,这种尝试是成功和有效的,学生在开放的系统中放大了思想,提升了能力,并为我们改变教学结构 和行为范式提供了重要经验。
                                             天津美术学院院长 邓国源2015年6月10日

Arthur C Danto onceput forward such assumption for the new type relations between students andteachers in college of fine arts after artistic system changed, “In the furtherteaching of college of fine arts, teachers only help students to create, and suchattitude can make students study what they want and need, in order to createwhat they want to create. People can use all and any things, such as acoustics,camera shooting, screenage, performance, device, etc. And students can becomepainter and sculptor if they want. ” Although it is hard to balance or gainboth sometimes between theory and reality, this paragraph can draw the outlineof some thoughts of mine on the structure of teaching and creative practice ofcurrent college of fine arts. 
The graduate works exhibition once a year, collects students’4 years’ study achievement and theguidance and paying during this process, which is not only the stereo displayof teaching results of college of fine arts, but also delivery of a kind ofspiritual strength. That’s because as a kind of spiritual experience, artreflects the interaction between human and all kinds of system, and producesartistic work. Therefore, the value of college of fine arts shall be reflectedin offering possibility of every students to stand out, and makes them findtheir own location under free and open environment. In this sense, graduateexhibitition is an important exhibition for every students in life, while forcollege of fine arts, it is a piece of answer sheet of teaching system andteaching proposal presented by a higher art institution to the whole society.
The over 180 excellentworks came forth in 2015 graduate exhibition with “Academy Award”, and theseworks were selected from the over 4000 works created by 1148 students from 19majors (directions). And this year, the works of these students presentedconstructive nature, innovativeness and inclusiveness than ever before. Nomatter those majors (directions) such as oil painting, wood block, sculpture,Chinese painting, visual communication design, industrial moulding design,clothing dyeing and weaving design, environmental art design in traditionalmajors, but also various majors and directions of experimental art collegesprung up everywhere, the works of these students reflect their art aspirationin multimedia era, respectively from the view of influencing vision, touch,hearing and even spirit. 
It is particularlymentionable that, this year, from works creation to works show, we carry out akind of open interaction and participation. Its purpose is to make teachers andstudents change from former passive independent creator to collectiveparticipants expressing initiatively. And I also always think that, the currentvalue and ideal of college of fine arts not only lie in training pure artist,but also to construct a kind of art status for students with inclusive, open,cooperative atmosphere and attitude, thus make them participate in update andreestablishment of art to the greatest extent, rather than seek individual identityand prospect when adhering to old habits. Proof by facts, such try issuccessful and effective. In the open system, students enlarge thought, promotecapacity, and offer important experience to change structure of teaching andbehavior paradigm for us.
Sincerely thankteachers and students, your enthusiasm and devotion to art and brilliantcreation, make more exciting works appear on this exhibition. I wish that onthe endless road of exploration, you can maintain this vitality for artisticcreation. 
President of Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts,Deng GuoyuanJune10, 2015

美术馆开放时间:9:30—5:00  无节假日


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